God's Always With Us

Every year Martin's parents took him to his grandmother's house for the summer break, and they would return home on the same train the next day.

Then one day the boy says to his parents:

′′ I'm pretty big now. What if I went to grandma's house alone this year?"

After a brief discussion parents agree.

Here they are standing on the train station wharf, greeting him, giving him one last tip through the window, as Martin continues to repeat:

′′ I know, you've already told me a hundred times...!"

Train is about to leave and father whispers:

′′ My son, if you suddenly feel bad or scared, this is for you! ′′

And he slips something into his pocket.

Now the boy is alone, sitting on the train, without his parents, for the first time...

He looks at the scenery through the window that scrolls..

Around him strangers hustle, make noise, enter and exit the compartment, the controller comments him that he is alone.. A person even gives him a sad look...

So the boy is feeling more uncomfortable...

And now he's scared.

He lowers his head, snuggles in a corner of the seat, tears rise to his eyes.

At that point he remembers his father putting something in his pocket.

With a trembling hand he seeks to grop this piece of paper, he opens it:

′′ Son, I'm in the last wagon..."

This is how it is in our life also...

God is always with us

We don’t see him because He is in the last wagon


Author : Submitted By Cindy Loaring
Document Title: God Is Always Nearby
Date Published : 16 February 2021

Page last updated: Wednesday 17th February 2021 2:28 PM
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