The Full Gospel Mission is a company of Christian people who seek in all things to be subject to the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God The Father.
The Full Gospel Mission was raised up by God for the teaching of the increasing revelation of His Word, the Pastoral Care of His people and the Evangelisation of those for whom Christ died and rose again.
The Bible is the Written Word of God, and as revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, the sole and perfect authority for faith and conduct.
The Leadership of the Full Gospel Mission includes Pastors, Elders and Deacons in accordance with the Biblical patern. The Pastors and Elders are not elected but recognised by the manifested calling and leading of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Deacons are appointed by the Leadership.
Qualifications for Membership
An Attendee who meets the following criteria is regarded as a Member of this Church Congregation:
- True repentance and turning away from sin.
- Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.
- Baptism by total immersion in water in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have access to Father God.
- Seeking Baptism in the Holy Spirit for holiness and service, to grow in grace and unity.
- Commitment to the working of the Holy Spirit among us by regular attendance at bible studies and worship services, participating in worship, prayer, and the life of the Full Gospel Mission. (The Full Gospel Mission recognises that valid genuine reasons may periodically, or over a period, affect a person’s ability to attend.)
- Financial support with tithes and offerings.
- Agrees with the Church Statement of Faith.
- Acceptance of the Constitution.
We do not regard the Church premises as the possession of the Membership, but as a building devoted by them to the service of God and received from Him for our faithful stewardship.
- all property of the Full Gospel Mission shall be held in the ownership of the Full Gospel Mission Properties Ltd;
- the beneficial ownership of the Full Gospel Mission Properties Ltd shall be vested in the Eldership of the Full Gospel Mission;
- no real property shall be sold or purchased by the Full Gospel Mission Properties Ltd without the prior sanction of a meeting of the Membership of the Full Gospel Mission.